Business Singleton’s, Spend in Singleton Gift Card program has encouraged local spending and provided a significant boost to the Singleton economy. Launched initially in 2022 with impressive results, the Local Buying Foundation recognised the impact on the local economic and pride in local community that the program invoked. NSW Local Buying Foundation was thrilled to provide funding to support the continuation of the program through 2023.

The Spend in Singleton Gift Card program, as part of Business Singleton’s Why Leave Town program, was created in the wake of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic based on feedback from local businesses that they needed support to reduce escape expenditure outside of the Singleton LGA. The program ensures local dollars remained local by enabling the gift of boutique shopping or dining experiences to friends, family members or colleagues.

An important milestone was reached in June 2023, with the program achieving $1 million in gift card load-ups. This success catapulted the Spend in Singleton program into the top 5 programs across the Why Leave Town platform with 143 participating local businesses benefitting from the program.

Local Buying Foundation funding towards the Spend in Singleton Gift Card program directly enabled the purchase of an additional 8,000 cards, two successful consumer campaigns held during Christmas periods encouraging local spending, and the production of POS materials and consumer giveaways to further to incentivise the use of the Spend in Singleton cards.

From 2024, the program is beginning a transition to an e-card model with Business Singleton and Why Leave Town liaising closely with participants during the rollover process. For more information about participating, view the Spend in Singleton website here:

The Spend in Singleton Gift Card program has proven it is a popular and welcome addition to living, working and shopping in Singleton. Its success showcases the positive outcomes that can be achieved through innovative efforts and local collaboration to support local economies. As the program continues to grow and evolve, it remains a wonderful example of how regional communities can promote local economic growth sustainability at a grassroots level.