Last week, the Isaac region celebrated the launch of the Isaac Business Chamber, an important step forward for local businesses. The new chamber will provide a space for nearly 2,000 businesses to connect, collaborate, and find support. It aims to represent their interests and offer valuable resources.

The Local Buying Foundation has played a key role in supporting the chamber’s creation. Through the Bridging the Business (BTB) project, and with the help of Leann Priestley in her LBF-funded role, LBF has been working to support businesses in the Isaac region. For the past four years, Leann’s work as the Isaac Business Support Officer, in partnership with GW3, has helped lay the foundation for this new chamber.

The BTB project identified the need for a local organisation dedicated to business support. The Isaac Business Chamber will meet this need by providing ongoing advocacy and resources to help local businesses grow. Chambers of commerce are important for supporting local economies by giving businesses a unified voice and helping them succeed.

LBF has shown its commitment to the region’s growth through its support of projects like BTB. This support has helped create a strong foundation for the new chamber and ensured that businesses have a clear voice in the community.

Leann Priestley of GW3 said, “The chamber was carefully developed with the commitment of Greater Whitsunday Alliance and the Local Buying Foundation. They provided a strong framework and vision. With the launch of the chamber, we’re setting a new direction for the region’s economy.”

LBF encourages local businesses to join the chamber. Members will gain access to resources, networking opportunities, and a stronger voice in advocating for their needs.

Join us in building a vibrant and sustainable business community by signing up for membership