Information for Successful Applicants

Congratulations on your project that has been approved for funding through the Local Buying Foundation.

Below is some handy information, downloads, and FAQ’s to assist you in organising your event/project.

Please refer to the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Agreement (LOA) between your organisation and the Local Buying Foundation (LBF) for information about the requirements specific to your approved project.

For assistance, contact the Local Buying Foundation team on 1800 536 663 or


LBF Logo Downloads

The Local Buying Foundation logo is available to use for promotional material. It is important to ensure the correct use of the Local Buying Foundation logo.

Full Colour Logo (RGB):
Use the RGB logo for digital communications such as websites, screens, monitors and mobile devices.
Download this logo format HERE.

Full Colour Logo (CMYK):
Use the CMYK logo when it will be physically printed, not viewed on screen. CMYK colour mode delivers accurate results when using ink.
Download this logo format HERE.

Mono Logo (100% Black):
The first preference is to use the Full Colour Logo, however use this format if black is more suited or if printing in greyscale.
Download this logo format HERE.

White/Inverse Logo:
The first preference is to use the Full Colour Logo, however use this format if white is more suited.
Download this logo format HERE.

LBF Logo Correct Usage

The Local Buying Foundation logo is to be used in promotion of approved LBF funded projects. The following criteria must be adhered to when utilising the LBF logo:

  • The LBF should not be used in a visually congested manner.
    A Zone of Exclusion exists around the logo. This zone is determined by the dimensions of the logo and proportionately the height of the ’F’ on all sides. The zone of exclusion must be kept clear of other elements.
  • Do not surround by a border.
  • Do not distort.
  • Do not change scale of words.
  • Do not exclude the byline.
  • Do not use a different font for the byline.
  • Do not use the colour version on a coloured background. Revert to a black or white version of the logo.
  • Do not place on top of a busy image

    Do we need approval to use the LBF logo?

    When the LBF logo is used for print and/or electronic promotional material for an LBF funded project, the organisation must provide a final draft for approval via email to

    Please allow a minimum of 5 working days for all approvals.


    What are our promotional requirements?

    Successful applicants where possible are required to recognise the Local Buying Foundation contribution for the approved project.

    For specific information about your promotional requirements – please refer to you LBF funded project’s signed MOU/LOA.

    This may include any one or more of the following methods:
    • Flyers, brochures, event programs
    • Printed merchandise
    • Electronic media – websites, Facebook, LinkedIn
    • Local print media (includes school newsletters, community newspapers)
    • Launch of the event which involves attendance of LBF, C-Res, BMA, BMC or BHP representatives
    • Radio station(s) and television station(s)
    • Acknowledgment in speeches/formalities

    For any enquries about content requests or for LBF logo approvals, please contact the C-Res Comms Team directly via email:

    Please allow a minimum of 5 working days for requesting content or logo approvals.

    How will the LBF help promote this?

    We would love to help you promote your event or project across our networks.

    We do this in a number of ways:

    1. Adding events and workshops to our C-Res and LBF websites events pages

    Please ensure all relevant information and event booking links are provided to the LBF projects Officers as per the project’s signed MOU/LOA

    2. Digital email banners for our staff.

    Our C-Res staff reach a large number of stakeholders each day via email.
    By providing us a digital email banner, we can help you to promote your event/project across this channel.

    Please supply digitals banners as:

      • Sized at 500px wide x 130px high.
      • Saved as .png file
      • Emailed directly to

    3. Sharing your social media posts and events

    Please ensure the LBF is tagged correctly. More information can be found in the section below.

    How can we tag LBF on socials?

    It is a requirement of your agreement to receive Local Buying Foundation funding, to acknowledge the LBF when promoting funded events, workshops on social media. This is outlined in the project’s signed MOU/LOA.

    The LBF can be tagged on social media via the following:
    » Facebook: @lbfaus
    » Linked In: @lbfaus

    Are there any key messages about the LBF, C-Res and the Local Buying Program?

    When promoting externally, always refer to the Local Buying Foundation in full (not by the abbreviation LBF).

    Key approved messages about the LBF that can be used, when appropriate and necessary are:

    • The Local Buying Foundation provides funding to support projects and programs which facilitate workforce development and build the capability and capacity of regional business and industry.
    • The Local Buying Foundation is a critical element of BHP’s Local Buying Program. For every work opportunity through the Local Buying Program, BHP commits an amount into trust to the Foundation, creating a complete Local Buying cycle.
    • Nationally, the Local Buying Foundation supports 13 local regions across New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia within the footprints where BHP operates.


    When are funds disbursed?

    For smaller funding amounts (<$50,000) and sponsorships, funding will be disbursed within one month of an invoice. Invoices are submitted once an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Agreement (LOA) for the approved projects is signed by both parties.

    For larger amount projects (>$50,000) with approved milestone payments, funding is disbursed in accordance with an agreed invoicing and payment schedule as agreed within the MOU or LOA.

    How are funds disbursed?

    Funds are dispersed by signing and submitting your Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Agreeement (LOA), followed by an invoice for the approved funding amount or installment amount.

    Invoicing details:

    Name: Local Buying Foundation (Your State QLD/NSW/SA/WA)
    ABN: QLD: 63 674 747 408 | NSW: 30 587 280 805 | SA: 90 567 613 861 | WA: 93 650 312 636
    Address: PO Box 1721, MACKAY QLD 4740

    For your reference, please view the Example Invoice

    Do we need to acquit the funds expenditure?

    It is a condition of the LBF grant funding (excluding Sponsorship of Business Awards, Conferences & Events categeory) that the Receiving Party fully acquit the funds received against the approved budget when submitting a Project Report.

    Details of agreed budget items for this acquittal are outlined in the project MOU or LOA.

    More information about Reporting and Acquittals can be found HERE.


    How are projects monitored and evaluated?

    Reporting requirements and due dates are listed in the project MOU or LOA.

    For data collection purposes, funding recipients are required to complete a Post-Event Snapshot Form after any event or workshop within the project. By collecting this accumulative data the LBF is able to report to our stakeholders on the value LBF funding is having within the regional business communities that we represent.

    The Post-Event Snapshot Form and Image Upload link can be found HERE.

    Funding recipients (excluding Sponsorship of Business Awards, Conferences and Events category) are also required to submit a Project Final Report, and where agreed, Progress Evaluation Reports during the project that summarise key outcomes and deliverables.

    Links to reporting templates are available HERE.


    Can we request a change for an approved project?

    Funding recipients may request a change in project scope or budget by notifying the LBF in writing via a Project Variation.

    Project Variations can be submitted by accessing the project through your Optible AI grants management platform. Login HERE.

    Based on the requested/required change, a new application may be required. Funds can only be spent on activities defined and approved in the original application (supported by the Committee and approved by the C-Res Board) unless an approval (written) has been granted by the LBF (via the Chair).

    All change requests are pre-assessed by the LBF team and forwarded to either the LBF Chair or the LBF Advisory Committee for consideration depending on the level of change requested.

    Organisations will be notified of the outcome within two weeks of a decision.

    Keep in touch

    Sign up to receive the latest news and events happening in our local regions.

    Acknowledgement of Country

    The Local Buying Foundation acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.