Reporting and Acquitting

If you have a project underway, below are links to reports needed to submit to the Local Buying Foundation.

Please refer to the project’s signed Memorandum of Understanding or Letter of Agreement for an outline of what reports are required for your project.

Local Buying Foundation Funding
Project Variation

Complete the Project Variation Request if you have been successful with receiving funding approvals from the Local Buying Foundation and there has been changes within the scope, project delivery or budgetary items from your approved application.

If the deliverables of your project have grown, your organisation may be able to submit a Project Variation to request additionally funding.
We suggest discussing this with an LBF Project Officer before submitting this form, to see whether a Project Variation or a New Application is the best approach for your circumstances.

Submit a Project Variation

Project Progress Report

The Approved Funding Evaluation Form is to be used for providing progress reports or final evaluations as per the agreed reporting timelines outlined in the signed MOU or other formal correspondence from the Local Buying Foundation.

Submit a Progress Report here

For Projects where a budget acquittal is required, see below an expenditure declaration template

Acquittal/Expenditure Declaration template

Project Final Report

The LBF Approved Funding Evaluation Form is to be used for providing progress reports or final evaluation reports as per the agreed reporting timelines outlined in the signed MOU or other formal correspondence from the Local Buying Foundation.

Submit a Final Report here

For Projects where a budget acquittal is required, see below an expenditure declaration template

Acquittal/Expenditure Declaration template

Event Snapshot Report and Image Upload

For data collection purposes, we ask you can please provide some brief information about each event/workshop sponsored by the Local Buying Foudation.

By collecting this data the LBF is able to report to our stakeholders on the incredible value our funding is having within the regional business communities that we represent, and ensures that we can continue to provide support for events such as these.

Submit an Event Data Report here


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Acknowledgement of Country

The Local Buying Foundation acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.