3 May | WA | Men in Business Luncheon

Join us for the first Men in Business Luncheon for 2024 –

Enjoy a delicious 2 course lunch while hearing from two very inspirational leaders. All are welcome, come along and meet new people and network with the Hedland Business community.

Thanks to our sponsors The Local Buying Foundation and Gateway Village.

Hon Stephen Dawson

Stephen was born in Dublin and migrated to Australia in 1989 with his family.

He has been a Chief of Staff to a number of Government Ministers in Western Australia and Victoria and worked with the Trade Union movement.

Prior to being elected to represent Western Australia’s Mining & Pastoral Region in 2013 he was the WA State Manager for Essential Media Communications.

In 2017, Stephen was elected as the Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council – a role he continues to hold – and was appointed as the Minister for Environment and Disability Services.

Stephen’s current portfolios include Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Science; Medical Research and Minister Assisting the Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade.

Nathan Archer – Leadership Specialist and high Performance Coach

Nathan Archer is a Certified High Performance Coach and Leadership Specialist with a passion for seeing people maximise their potential. Nathan has a diverse background that has seen him become a pilot before he could legally drive, complete a degree in social work, motivationally speak to audiences of up to 1800 people, be a professional photographer with ‘A list’ celebrities, and build multiple businesses. Nathan’s journey has equipped him with a breath of unique experiences and stories that he draws upon to help others challenge their perceptions and reconnect with their dreams. Nathan is an inspiring presenter who will challenge you, inspire you, and help you make an even greater impact.

  • Date : 03 May 2024
  • Time : 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Australia/Perth)
  • Venue : Port Hedland, WA

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